Mumbai Indians: Mumbai Indians is counted among the most successful franchises of IPL and the team has won the IPL trophy five times under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma. In IPL retention, Mumbai team had retained Rohit, Suryakumar Yadav, Jasprit Bumrah, Hardik Pandya and Tilak Verma. Now in the IPL 2025 mega auction, Mumbai team is buying players very thoughtfully. On the first day of the auction, Mumbai had bought only four players. On the second day of the auction, Mumbai has found the bowling partner of Jasprit Bumrah. They have bought Deepak Chahar.
Deepak Chahar suffered loss
There was a bidding war between Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings to buy Deepak Chahar. In between, Punjab Kings also bid for Deepak, but in the end the Mumbai team won. Mumbai has bought Deepak for Rs 9.25 crore. Whereas before this Deepak was included in the Chennai team. Then he used to get Rs 14 crore. Now he has suffered a loss of Rs 4.75 crore and if he plays in IPL with Mumbai team, he will get only Rs 9.25 crore.
Swing is Deepak’s best weapon
Deepak Chahar is known for bowling well at the beginning of the innings and also proves to be very economical. He is also a great master of swing. It is not easy for anyone to play his balls. So far he has taken 77 wickets in 81 matches of IPL. Taking 4 wickets for 13 runs has been his best performance.
Jasprit Bumrah starts the bowling for Mumbai Indians. In such a situation, Bumrah has now got a bowling partner in the form of Deepak Chahar, who will devastate the opposing batsman by standing shoulder to shoulder with him. Deepak has been playing in IPL since 2016 and he has experience, which can be useful to the Mumbai team. Deepak has also taken 31 T20 International wickets for Team India.
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