At the beginning of the new year, Force Motors Limited has received a big order from the Uttar Pradesh Government. The company said on Thursday that it has received an order to supply 2,429 units of ambulances to the Medical Health and Family Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. According to PTI news, Force Motors said in a regulatory filing that the order is for the supply of 2,429 units of BS-VI diesel ambulances. However, the company did not disclose the value of this order. This order will be executed between December 2024 and March 2025.
These ambulances will ensure timely medical aid
According to the news, in a statement, Force Motors said that the decision of the Health Department of UP Government to purchase 2429 ambulances from Force Motors reflects its commitment to strengthen the healthcare infrastructure of the state. The company said that these vehicles will play a vital role in enhancing emergency response capabilities and ensuring timely medical assistance to millions of residents in urban and rural areas.
Selected by Health Department of UP Government
These new ambulances are available in multiple configurations, including patient transport, basic life support (BLS), advanced life support (ALS), and mobile medical unit (MMU), to meet the varying needs of healthcare providers. . Force Motors has been selected by the Health Department of UP Government for this important healthcare initiative. Prasan Firodia, Managing Director, Force Motors, said this reinforces the company’s commitment to provide reliable solutions to meet India’s unique healthcare needs. Shares of Force Motors gained over 8.69 per cent to close at Rs 7,208 per share on BSE.
Force Motors plans to invest around Rs 2,000 crore on various activities in the next three to four years. The company will make this investment on green campaigns and development of electric vehicles (EV). Force Motors sells a range of commercial and utility vehicles. The company intends to launch an electric variant of its van chain in the future.