Avenue Supermarts: After a sharp rise on Thursday, a huge fall is being seen in the Indian stock market on Friday. At 10:55 am on Friday, the Sensex was trading at 79,308.04 points, down by 635.67 points. On the other hand, NSE’s Nifty 50 index was also trading at 24,013.40 points with a fall of 175.25 points. Let us tell you that on Thursday, BSE Sensex closed at 79,943.71 points with a gain of 1436.30 points and Nifty closed at 24,188.65 points with a gain of 445.75 points.
Share price reached intraday high of Rs 4165.00
While on one hand, shares of many companies are getting crushed due to today’s ongoing market decline, on the other hand, there are shares of some companies which are running at rocket-like speed. Yes, the shares of Avenue Supermarts, which runs a supermarket chain named D-Mart, are witnessing tremendous buying since the start of trading today. The company’s shares, which closed at Rs 3617.75 on Thursday, opened with a strong rise today at Rs 3790.00, which is its intraday low so far. During trading today, the company’s shares had reached an intraday high of Rs 4165.00 with a rise of 15 percent.
Investors rushed to buy shares as soon as the market opened
Let us tell you that the company had released its revenue related figures on Thursday. Avenue Supermarts had said in an exchange filing on Thursday that its revenue in the third quarter of financial year 2024-25 (October-December 2024) increased by Rs 2317.9 crore on an annual basis to Rs 15,565.23 crore. Whereas, in the third quarter of the last financial year, the company’s revenue was Rs 13,247.33 crore. Seeing the company’s excellent performance in the third quarter of the current financial year, investors rushed to buy shares of Avenue Supermarts as soon as the market opened today.