Indian Patent Office warns people, fraudsters are asking for money to make application easier

Indian Patent Office warns people, fraudsters are asking for money to make application easier

Indian The Patent Office (IPR) has warned people about frauds taking place in the name of speedy disposal of applications. IPR said such fraudsters are collecting data and status of IP (intellectual property) applications from websites and demanding money to facilitate those applications. “Therefore, all stakeholders are advised to file any kind of IP application (viz. Patent, Design, Trademark, GI (Geographical Indication), Design or Copyright),” the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks said in a public notice. ) should not fall prey to such false claims and should not have to pay any amount for the same.”

money being demanded

The information states that these applications are processed strictly under the provisions of the law and the office does not tolerate any such unethical activity. If such claims are made from any stakeholder, the same may be brought to the notice of this office. “It has come to our notice that many fraudsters are collecting data and status of IP applications from our office’s website,” the public notice said. They are asking the applicants through phone calls and emails to pay money for their applications to be accepted by this office.” It also said that they will initiate appropriate legal action under the law against such fraudulent people. Have the right to do.


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