Shobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya started their relationship by sharing pictures from their engagement ceremony in August. This good news was given to the fans by their father Nagarjuna on social media, after which everyone was surprised because the couple never talked about their relationship to the media. Shobhita Dhulipala is going to become a bride just two months after her engagement with Naga Chaitanya. Wedding rituals have also started in his house. The actress shared some beautiful pictures of this ceremony on her Instagram. Both are ready to get married.
Shobhita is going to become Naga Chaitanya’s bride.
Shobhita Dhulipala has shared pre-wedding photos on her Instagram, in which she is looking very beautiful in traditional attire. He has shown a glimpse of his wedding celebration. She is seen dressed in a beautiful orange colored South Indian saree, which is designed with gold embroidery and green border. She has completed her saree look with beige blouse, gold jewelery and green bangles. She is looking very beautiful in all the pictures. In the picture she was seen surrounded by her family.