This dangerous virus has followed Pakistanis, making people disabled

This dangerous virus has followed Pakistanis, making people disabled

Health worker administering polio drops to children in Pakistan.

Islamabad: Till now, due to economic poverty, they are suffering from poverty and hunger. Another big mountain of difficulties has fallen on Pakistan. Now a virus has come after Pakistanis, which does not want to let them stand on their feet. This virus is making Pakistanis handicapped. Now you must be shocked to hear this. But this is true.

Let us tell you that polio has again started spreading rapidly in Pakistan. This time again at least four new cases of polio have been reported here. With this, the number of cases reported this year has increased to 32. This information was given in an official statement. Of the four new cases reported, three are from Sindh province and one from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. According to official figures, “So far this year, 16 cases have been reported from Balochistan, 10 from Sindh, four from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and one each from Punjab and Islamabad.”

Virus spread in many states of Pakistan

At present only two out of the seven regions, i.e. Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, are polio free. The infection has reached four provinces and five areas including the country’s capital. Dawn newspaper quoted a Health Ministry official as saying that during a nationwide campaign in September this year under the Pakistan Polio Eradication Programme. About 3.3 crore children under five years of age were vaccinated. “A comprehensive evaluation was conducted to assess the results of the campaign and identify areas where deficiencies need to be rectified,” the official said. A review meeting was attended by key stakeholders.

The meeting focused on the successes and challenges of the campaign as well as strategies for future vaccination efforts. “The September campaign has proven to be an important step in the country’s polio eradication efforts,” he said. Despite many challenges, success was achieved in reaching a large number of children, including in high-risk areas.” Along with this, a second vaccination program is being planned to start from October 28. According to the World Health Organization, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only countries in the world where polio still remains an epidemic. (Language)


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