How will UPPSC RO/ARO exam be conducted in one day?

How will UPPSC RO/ARO exam be conducted in one day?

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Let us tell you that the Commission needed 1748 centers in the state for 576154 candidates of PCS preliminary examination. But, due to the strict policy of center allocation, the Commission could get only 978 centers in all 75 districts.

Lucknow. After the students’ agitation in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has agreed to conduct PCS and RO/ARO examinations in one day, but how will this be possible. This is a big question mark. Because in all the 75 districts of the state, only a maximum of 978 centers could be found to conduct the one-day PCS preliminary examination. For Review Officer (RO)/Assistant Review Officer (ARO) Preliminary Examination-2023, two and a half times more centers will be required. In such a situation, the question is how will the Commission be able to conduct this examination in one day.

Let us tell you that the Commission needed 1748 centers in the state for 576154 candidates of PCS preliminary examination. But, due to the strict policy of center allocation, the Commission could get only 978 centers in all 75 districts. Two and a half times more centers will be required in the RO/ARO preliminary examination. RO/ARO preliminary exam was held on 11th February in 2387 centres, which was canceled due to paper leak. Now there is a problem regarding this examination. If the Commission completes the process of determining the centers under the rules mentioned in the government order issued on June 2024, then the Commission will be able to get only 978 centers in all the 75 districts of the state. In these, examination of maximum 435074 candidates can be conducted. Whereas, 1076004 candidates are registered for RO/ARO exam. In such a situation, without amendment in the rules of center determination, it will be difficult to conduct RO/ARO examination in one day. The Commission has also constituted a committee, which will find ways to solve this problem. On the basis of the report of the committee, the Commission will decide how to conduct the RO/ARO examination.


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