Senior Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday won the Wayanad Lok Sabha by-election, her first election victory. He surpassed the vote margin achieved by his brother Rahul Gandhi in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections earlier this year. After this Priyanka tweeted on X that my dear sisters and brothers of Wayanad, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the trust you have shown in me. I will make sure that over time, you truly feel that this win is your win and that the person you have chosen to represent you understands your hopes and dreams and fights for you. I look forward to being your voice in Parliament!
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Gandhi further wrote that thank you for giving me this honor and even more thank you for the immense love you have given me. He said, “To my colleagues in the UDF, leaders, workers, volunteers from all over Kerala and my office colleagues who worked incredibly hard in this campaign, thank you for your support, my daily 12-hour car journey (no food, No rest), and to fight like true soldiers for the ideals in which we all believe.
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Along with this he said that no amount of gratitude is enough for the love and courage you have given me, my mother, Robert and my two gems – Rehaan and Miraya. And my brother, Rahul, you are the bravest of them all… thank you for showing me the way and always supporting me! After also winning from Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh in this year’s elections, Rahul vacated the Wayanad seat and the party named his sister Priyanka as its candidate, paving the way for his electoral debut. Wayanad, which has over 14 lakh registered voters, saw around 65 per cent turnout in the by-election, down from close to 74 per cent in the Lok Sabha elections held in April this year and well below the over 80 per cent turnout.