TV actress Chahat Khanna’s Diwali happiness has doubled. Chahatt Khanna has bought a new house this Diwali. Chahat celebrated her first Diwali here with her family and friends. Chahat has also shared its pictures with her fans. While posting pictures after Diwali puja in the new house, Chahat has also congratulated her fans for the festival. After her first marriage, Chahat Khanna fell in love with a Muslim boy. After love, Chahat got married for the second time and left Hinduism and converted to Islam. But even the second time their relationship did not work out and they both separated. As soon as Chahat left her second husband, she returned home and converted to Hinduism. Now Chahat has celebrated Diwali with pomp. Chahat Khanna is a big actress in the TV world and is also quite popular on social media. More than 5 lakh people follow Chahat Khanna on Instagram.
Married twice and divorced both times
Chahat Khanna is a big star in the TV world and has been working here for more than 20 years. Chahat Khanna started working in serials as a child artist. At the age of just 16, Chahat Khanna started her career with the serial ‘Sachhi Baat Sabhi Jag Jaane’. After this he worked in many hit serials. Chahat got the most fame from the famous TV serial ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain’. Chahat Khanna remained in the headlines for her professional career as well as her personal life. Not only this, Chahat married twice and got divorced both times. Chahat had left Hinduism and converted to Islam for her second husband. But after the second divorce, Chahat Khanna returned back to Hinduism.
First marriage took place in 2006
Chahat Khanna married for the first time in the year 2006. Chahat started her married life with businessman Bharat Narisanghini by taking 7 rounds. But after a few years of marriage, disputes started between the two. After some disagreement, both of them got divorced. After the end of her first marriage, Chahat Khanna fell in love once again. Chahat Khanna fell in love with Farhan and decided to get married. Chahat married Farhan in 2013 and converted to Islam. However, Chahat’s second marriage also did not last long and both of them got divorced after 5 years in 2018. As soon as her second marriage ended, Chahat Khanna returned to Hinduism. Talking to Tele Talk India about this, Chahat had said, ‘I changed my religion for marriage because the Nikah had to be performed. I was not given any pressure, but I chose it myself. Now after returning home I am feeling good. I see God differently. But I am happy that I have corrected my mistakes.