Apple has launched the new generation of MacBook Pro in India. At Mac Event, the company has introduced its most powerful laptop model with the new powerful chipset of M4 series – M4, M4 Pro and M4 Pro Max. This new laptop series comes in two screen sizes – 14 inches and 16 inches. Also, the company has launched MacBook Air with M2 and M3 chips with 16GB RAM.
MacBook Pro series price
The starting price of Apple MacBook Pro model with 14 inch display and M4 chip is Rs 1,69,900. The company has also started providing 16GB RAM in the base model of its MacBook Pro series. The starting price of the model with its 16 inch display and M4 Pro chip is Rs 2,49,900. This premium laptop series of Apple will be available for sale in India from November 8. The company is offering a discount of Rs 10,000 on its purchase.
Features of MacBook Pro 2024
MacBook Pro 2024 laptop with M4 chipset will have AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence feature. The company has provided Thunderbolt 5 for fast charging in this laptop series. It has a 12MP center stage camera. This laptop has been introduced in 14 inch and 16 inch screen size. In this the company has given the latest flagship processor of M4 series. M4 laptop has 16GB RAM. Whereas, M4 Pro and M4 Pro Max laptops have 24GB RAM.
This laptop of Apple has been launched with the latest macOS Sequoia 15.1. ChatGPT LLM based Apple Intelligence feature is available in it. The company has given it Neural Engine feature for Artificial Intelligence support. The Thunderbolt 5 port provided in it is capable of transferring data at a speed of 120Gbps. Apart from this, Apple has also provided 16GB RAM in MacBook Air models with M2 and M3 chips. The starting price of this laptop is Rs 99,900.
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