This time Union Minister Giriraj Singh became our guest on India TV’s famous show Aap Ki Adalat. During this, India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma asked many questions to Giriraj Singh, to which Giriraj Singh answered boldly. During this, Giriraj Singh expressed his views on many issues including Rahul Gandhi and Congress. Taking aim at Rahul Gandhi, he said that before asking the caste of others, Rahul Gandhi should tell his own caste. He said for Rahul Gandhi that if you ask him what is on which page of the Constitution, he would not know the answer.
“Will not spare those who abuse Sanatan”
Giriraj Singh, while answering further questions, said that Owaisi does not respect Vande Mataram and the national anthem. He said that Owaisi should not be under any misconception. Whenever there has been an attempt to become Aurangzeb in the country, Maharana Pratap has taken birth. DMK had compared Sanatan to dengue and malaria. Even then I had said that if your allies abuse Sanatan, we will not remain silent. We have been saying Om Shanti Shanti for a long time, now I say Om Kranti-Kranti-Kranti. On Muslims having children, he said that the world has only 4 percent water and 2.5 percent land. But every year we produce one Australia.
What did Giriraj Singh say about Muslims producing more children?
He said that we will have to think that people in the country should get food and shelter. That’s why we say that his policy is not right. They say that it is a gift from Allah that whatever is coming, let it come. Then it is said that Ghazwa-e-Hind. I have no problem with Muslims but I have a problem with fundamentalist Muslims who want to spoil the harmony of India. Wherever Hindus are, 99 percent Muslims are safe. But where they are 40 percent, our daughters and daughters-in-law are not able to come out. Ghazwa-e-Hind left with Jinnah in 1947. They will make India a Muslim nation. Holidays started in schools in Jharkhand on Friday. They want to bring Ghazwa-e-Hind and Islamic law by bringing Sharia law. They will later tell our sons and daughters to go to the mosque. We, all the Hindus and Sanatanis of the entire country, will have to unite. If there is no unity then you will be divided.