Pakistani leader, Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s Shocking Revelation: Jihad Factory Unmasked

Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s Shocking Revelation Jihad Factory Unmasked

In a stunning turn of events, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the enigmatic leader of Pakistan’s Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan (Fazal), has broken his silence. Known for running a clandestine “jihad factory,” Rehman has now set his sights on Pakistan’s power corridors, leaving the nation in shock.

Maulana Fazlur finds: Puppetry and Power Plays

During his fiery inaugural address in the National Assembly, Rehman pulled back the curtain on the shadowy forces that manipulate Pakistan’s destiny. “We are mere puppets,” he declared, pointing to invisible hands orchestrating decisions behind closed doors. The Parliament, he lamented, had abandoned principles, selling out democracy in the process.

Rigged Elections and Political Turmoil

Rehman minced no words when discussing electoral integrity. “If the 2018 elections were rigged, then the current ones will be too,” he asserted. Urging the alliance of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) to concede, he acknowledged Imran Khan’s PTI as the election victor. But what about the alleged rigging?

Pakistan’s Desperate Plea for Survival

As Pakistan teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, Rehman’s revelations cut deep. “India dreams of superpower status,” he mused, “while we beg for bailout packages.” The stark comparison between India’s ascent and Pakistan’s financial woes left many questioning the nation’s trajectory.

Islamic Principles and Broken Promises

Rehman invoked the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), decrying its ignored recommendations since 1973. “We are an Islamic country,” he thundered, “yet we’ve become secular.” His frustration spilled over as he criticized the ruling establishment, including the Pakistan Army, for their role in the rigged February 8 elections.

Fazlur Rehman’s Political Chessboard

Once a fierce rival of Imran Khan’s PTI, Rehman now navigates a complex game. From laying siege to Islamabad to joining Shehbaz Sharif’s coalition government, he’s a master tactician. But why the sudden rift with PML-N and PPP? Speculation abounds: Is Rehman pressuring the army for a bigger stake in Pakistan’s future?


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