Sambalpur: Humanity was put to shame in Kuchinda in Sambalpur district of Odisha when the body of a newborn baby packed in a sack was found near a dustbin. The incident took place in Khandokata village of Kuchinda. Suddenly early in the morning the villagers saw a sack near the dustbin. Dogs were hovering near the sack and trying to open it by biting. The villagers became suspicious of this behavior of the dogs.
The dogs were trying to eat the child
When the villagers freed the sack from the clutches of the dogs and opened it, the eyes of everyone present at the spot were stunned. The dead body of a newborn baby was lying in the sack. The villagers immediately informed the Kuchinda police. Kuchinda police immediately swung into action and sent the body of the dead newborn baby to the government hospital in Kuchinda for post-mortem.
Dead body of newborn baby found in sack
Police officer of Kuchinda police station said that when the villagers found the body of the newborn child inside a sack, they informed us about it. We immediately reached the spot and made preliminary inquiries on the matter with the people present there. After the death of the child, his parents packed him in a sack and threw him away. The people present at the spot have denied knowing anything about this. We have registered a case of unnatural death. We are interrogating Asha Didi, hospitals and surrounding areas and trying to get to the bottom of the matter.
Police is investigating the matter
This incident has shocked everyone and there is an atmosphere of mourning in the entire area. However, the police is investigating the matter and it is hoped that the family members of the dead newborn will be identified as soon as possible.
Shubham Kumar’s report from Odisha