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In America, a 2 year old child accidentally shot his mother, she died; boyfriend stuck

In America, a 2 year old child accidentally shot his mother, she died; boyfriend stuck

Jessinya Mina and her boyfriend Andrew Sanchez

America Two Year Old Boy Kills Mother: A surprising news has come out from California, America. Here a two year old child accidentally shot his mother. The woman died due to bullet injury. The child had fired the bullet from the pistol of the mother’s boyfriend. The matter is of an apartment in Northern California. The woman has been identified as 22-year-old Jesinya Meena. According to Lieutenant Paul Cervantes, the police are also shocked by this incident.

Woman’s boyfriend arrested

Actually, the woman had kept her boyfriend’s loaded pistol on top of the bed. While playing, the child got hold of the pistol and inadvertently pressed the trigger. After this the bullet directly hit the woman. Police have arrested the woman’s boyfriend, 18-year-old Andrew Sanchez, in the case. Police have also confiscated the pistol. Police say that if the pistol had been kept on top, it would not have been in the hands of the child. According to the police, the matter was of negligence and it could have been prevented.

Police is interrogating Sanchez

It is being told that the woman and her lover were living in this apartment for the last several days. According to the Fresno Police Department, both were on bed rest last week. Meanwhile, the pistol got hold of the child and it fired by mistake. The bullet hit the woman directly on her upper body, after which she died. Meena also has an 8 month old daughter. Police are interrogating Sanchez. Police have also investigated the crime history of Sanchez but there was no previous case registered against him.

Jessinya Mina and her boyfriend Andrew Sanchez

What did the elder sister of the deceased say?

According to the police, till now no witness has come forward in this case. After being shot, Mina was brought to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, where he was pronounced dead. The deceased’s elder sister, Jessica, told police that her sister repeatedly asked Sanchez to remove the gun from the house, but he ignored her, which led to her sister’s death.

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